Friday, July 18, 2008

Budapest: In three parts

In Three Parts
Copyright July 15, 2008

"It just gets destroyed, then rebuilt, destroyed, then rebuilt."
-Claire McQuerry

Pt. I: The Ottomans

All begin on pattern A, beginning at different times, in canon. Move to pattern B at will, again in canon, but with the tempos shifted so that each repeat takes the same duration. There is a simple formula for this, tX being the tempo of either pattern: tA/7 = tB/5. Play until all reach B and fade out individually.

Pt. II: The Hapsburgs

Split into two groups: one group plays notes from A, while the other plays notes from B. Repeat until it crumbles.

Pt. III: The Soviets

Pick any note from A. Change after 7 seconds. Repeat 7 times.
Pick any note from B. Change after 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

1 comment:

nancy said...

wow. some people post pictures. you defy expectations.