Tuesday, October 2, 2007

More Danes, and a new feature

I met another Dane today. Cool guy, Fredrick. Studying sociology for the term at Trinity, with more of an edge toward Marx and Weber than the Chicago-Berkley school. Danes, I've found, are easier to understand than the Irish. The on-campus pub (seriously, Ireland, what do you expect?) is cheaper than anywhere else in Dublin.

I met some others, too, but it was hit-and-miss. Some of them were going to a party tonight, called a Traffic Light Party--where you wear red if you're attached, green if you're not, and yellow if you're somewhere in between--and one guy (American, New York) had to have that explained to him. Ah, college is a time for education.

This is a rather short post, due to my recent lack of reflection and journalistic recordings. Somehow, as I became more occupied my life became less interesting. Pumped through the tubes, I'm afraid, would only amplify my non-activity. So, I read a lot of articles online, and after much deliberation have decided to begin to share them. I have many saved up, but this one is one of my favorites. Alex Ross, the New Yorker music critic, has a book and eponymous blog--The Rest is Noise--that I've begun to enjoy. I might buy the book sometime soon. In this link, he critiques Wallace Stevens as "pure sound," which is sometimes true (Tea at the Palaz of Hoon--some things must be read aloud). Come bathe in some Stevens.

Alex Ross on Wallace Stevens:

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