Sunday, October 7, 2007

Bicycles, Love, Death, Karl Marx's party trick

Last night, coming home from work, someone opened a car door right in front of me and I flew off my bike. I was going about 13-14 mph, too. I was also glad there wasn't another car behind me. They gave me a ride home, at least. So, I didn't go to the hospital because I hate hospitals, but this morning I could barely walk. I ended up calling in sick to work, about 20 minutes before I was supposed to go. I feel bad about that, but it should be okay. Bicycling is actually easier than walking now, since I don't put any stress on my leg. It's probably just seriously bruised, swollen. I suppose it's a lesson to always ride in the middle of the street, even if you have a huge halogen light on front of your bike. Well, it will make a good first-day-of-school-why-are-you-hobbling? story.

If you have listened to the WNYC broadcast of Donnacha Dennehy, congratulations. If not, I would recommend skipping about 16 minutes in, where Donnacha is interviewed for a bit, followed by his ensemble's performance of Gra Augus Bas (Love and Death). It's one of his most-performed pieces, written for the Crash Ensemble of Dublin.

If you would rather read a transcript of Karl Marx as a ventriloquist dummy, go here:
Cabinet Magazine Online: I Can See Your Ideology Moving

There's a great article from the same issue on Heidegger. I mean, if you feel like a trip through nothingness.


su eich said...

Sorry about your leg, Andrew! You seem to have a thing with bicycles and cars.

alyssa said...

Andrew, I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd stop having bicycle-car accidents. Thank you for your time and consideration.

nancy said...

I did go to the link. A Ph.D. future--