Monday, September 17, 2007

Important tips for selecting a duvet

Who ever thought bed linens could be so troublesome? Trying to bike back up the hill to my house with a duvet on the handlebars and a cover in my backpack while the wind whipped my bike back and forth through rush-hour traffic is something I'd not like to repeat. But the forecast says it will get to 2 deg. C. (36-ish Farenheit) tonight, so I'm sure I won't regret the decision. As it is, we don't heat the house yet (not until October, apparently) so it's a battle against the elements. Mostly the element of cold.

Clearly, it was necessary for me to arrive in Dublin a month early, but what I didn't realize was that getting things in order mostly involves waiting. Waiting for the bank account to clear, waiting for international transfers to happen, waiting in line at the student fees office for a letter confirming I have, indeed, paid the school. So, I spend my days reading in Bewley's Cafe. Coincidentally, I may end up with a job there (hopefully in the James Joyce Room) after the manager said he definitely needs another part-time barista and will give me a call this week. At least I have something to do in the future. Even the near future seems so far away sometimes.

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