Friday, April 11, 2008

Call me Ishmael

Against my better judgment (I have no judgment), I am posting the finished chorale. This is the result of basically the entire day. Nine measures. Twenty-seven beats. About 2 1/2 minutes. Anyway, if you're into pdfs, it's here. If you're into mp3s (with me singing, by the way, refer to the pdf.) it's here. The singing is a simulation of what it will sound like when the second violin and viola break out into child-like song while the violin and cello play behind them. The text is from Wallace Stevens's "The Snow Man," now in the public domain.

Additionally, (if you're into pdfs) the "7" markings refer to the 7th harmonic, approximately 1/4 of a half-step down from the equal tempered note, while the naturals with the down-arrows refer to a 5th harmonic, about 1/6 down from the written note. The sharps with one vertical line mean a half sharp, which is roughly the 11th harmonic. This is all in the recording, however. If it sounds like an out-of-tune string quartet, that's because it is actually much more in tune than you're used to hearing.

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