Friday, April 18, 2008


Finally thought of a feminine noun. I was up for 36 hours when I went to bed yesterday, if you don't count the one-hour nap some time in the afternoon. Wandering around Friedrichstein late, late at night, not even sure why I was there, (every person I passed on the street, I wondered if he thought the same thing I did, which was 'hope he doesn't rob me.') I went into this falafal shop, and asked for eins Falafel, bitte. 'Ein Falafel,' the middle-eastern man behind the counter said, and nodded his head. The only other people in the restaurant were this group of four sitting at a table, just starting their meal at something like midnight. He slipped me my falafel sandwich first, then after serving the others put a cup of tea on the counter and said something about das Haus. I had probably walked 20 miles yesterday, well over half with my backpack on my back. It was the greatest cup of tea I have ever had. And I don't think I'll make it back to Friedrichstein, either.

I have a hostel for tonight and a couch for tomorrow night, then a different couch for Sunday on. I need to check into my other hostel, though, and probably go to a museum. Philharmonic chamber group tonight, Pierre Boulez conducts. After that, going to this bookshop for a movie. That is a much, much longer story.

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